
Log extends FortiOSAPI

FortiOS API Log


Fortinet developer ressource center.

Table of Contents

$config  : Config
$session_key  : string
$transaction  : int|null
$config  : Config
$session_key  : string
$transaction  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
Constructor takes care of checking and registering firewall's data and login to the API
__destruct()  : mixed
Destructor takes care of logout.
abortTransaction()  : bool
Abort a transaction (rollback operations).
addSearchAbort()  : stdClass
Abort a running log search session.
commitTransaction()  : bool
Commit a transaction (apply operations).
getAllDiskVirusArchive()  : stdClass
Return a description of the quarantined virus file.
getAllFortianalyzerVirusArchive()  : stdClass
Return a description of the quarantined virus file.
getAllForticloudVirusArchive()  : stdClass
Return a description of the quarantined virus file.
getAllMemoryVirusArchive()  : stdClass
Return a description of the quarantined virus file.
getDisk()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getDiskArchive()  : stdClass
Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips
getDiskArchiveDownload()  : stdClass
Download an archived file.
getDiskEvent()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getDiskEventRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getDiskRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getDiskTraffic()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getDiskTrafficRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getFortianalyzer()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getFortianalyzerArchive()  : stdClass
Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips
getFortianalyzerArchiveDownload()  : stdClass
Download an archived file.
getFortianalyzerEvent()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getFortianalyzerEventRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getFortianalyzerRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getFortianalyzerTraffic()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getFortianalyzerTrafficRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getForticloud()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getForticloudArchive()  : stdClass
Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips
getForticloudArchiveDownload()  : stdClass
Download an archived file.
getForticloudEvent()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getForticloudEventRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getForticloudRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getForticloudTraffic()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getForticloudTrafficRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getMemory()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getMemoryArchive()  : stdClass
Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips
getMemoryArchiveDownload()  : stdClass
Download an archived file.
getMemoryEvent()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getMemoryEventRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getMemoryRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
getMemoryTraffic()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.
getMemoryTrafficRaw()  : stdClass
Log data for the given log type in raw format.
listTransactions()  : bool
List all transactions.
startTransaction()  : bool
Start a transaction (Warning : Fortinet says all tables are not supported but do not indicate which one exactly).
curlRequest()  : stdClass
Method to request the firewall's API.
httpBuildCustomQuery()  : string
Function used to build a query with params but following fortigate satndards.
login()  : bool
Login in the firewall.
logout()  : Return
Logout from the firewall.



public string $session_key

Authentication token kept in cache.


public int|null $transaction

Ongoning transaction ID. WARNING : When going through the method prepareRequestData(), all upper case letter in function parameter name will be replaced by '-' and ;brought down to lower case. If you modify or add new endpoints replace all '-' in parameter name by the next letter in uppercase.



Constructor takes care of checking and registering firewall's data and login to the API

public __construct(Config $config) : mixed
$config : Config

Object containing all necessary configuration.

Return values


Destructor takes care of logout.

public __destruct() : mixed
Return values


Abort a transaction (rollback operations).

public abortTransaction([string|null $vdom = null ]) : bool
$vdom : string|null = null

Specify the Virtual Domain from which results are returned or changes are applied to. If this parameter is not provided, the management VDOM will be used. If the admin does not have access to the VDOM, a permission error will be returned.

Return values

Return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


Abort a running log search session.

public addSearchAbort( $session_id) : stdClass
$session_id :

Provide the session ID for the request


POST /search/abort/{session_id}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Commit a transaction (apply operations).

public commitTransaction([string|null $vdom = null ]) : bool
$vdom : string|null = null

Specify the Virtual Domain from which results are returned or changes are applied to. If this parameter is not provided, the management VDOM will be used. If the admin does not have access to the VDOM, a permission error will be returned.

Return values

Return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


Return a description of the quarantined virus file.

public getAllDiskVirusArchive([ $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$mkey : = null

checksum column from the virus log.


GET /disk/virus/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a description of the quarantined virus file.

public getAllFortianalyzerVirusArchive([ $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$mkey : = null

checksum column from the virus log.


GET /fortianalyzer/virus/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a description of the quarantined virus file.

public getAllForticloudVirusArchive([ $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$mkey : = null

checksum column from the virus log.


GET /forticloud/virus/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a description of the quarantined virus file.

public getAllMemoryVirusArchive([ $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$mkey : = null

checksum column from the virus log.


GET /memory/virus/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getDisk( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].


GET /disk/{type}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips

public getDiskArchive( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /disk/{type}/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Download an archived file.

public getDiskArchiveDownload( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /disk/{type}/archive-download

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getDiskEvent([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /disk/event/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getDiskEventRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /disk/event/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getDiskRaw( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.


GET /disk/{type}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getDiskTraffic([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /disk/traffic/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getDiskTrafficRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /disk/traffic/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getFortianalyzer( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].


GET /fortianalyzer/{type}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips

public getFortianalyzerArchive( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /fortianalyzer/{type}/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Download an archived file.

public getFortianalyzerArchiveDownload( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /fortianalyzer/{type}/archive-download

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getFortianalyzerEvent([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /fortianalyzer/event/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getFortianalyzerEventRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /fortianalyzer/event/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getFortianalyzerRaw( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.


GET /fortianalyzer/{type}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getFortianalyzerTraffic([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /fortianalyzer/traffic/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getFortianalyzerTrafficRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /fortianalyzer/traffic/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getForticloud( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].


GET /forticloud/{type}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips

public getForticloudArchive( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /forticloud/{type}/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Download an archived file.

public getForticloudArchiveDownload( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /forticloud/{type}/archive-download

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getForticloudEvent([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /forticloud/event/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getForticloudEventRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /forticloud/event/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getForticloudRaw( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.


GET /forticloud/{type}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getForticloudTraffic([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /forticloud/traffic/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getForticloudTrafficRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /forticloud/traffic/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getMemory( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].


GET /memory/{type}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Return a list of archived items for the desired type. :type can be app-ctrl or ips

public getMemoryArchive( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /memory/{type}/archive

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Download an archived file.

public getMemoryArchiveDownload( $type[,  $mkey = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$mkey : = null

Archive identifier.


GET /memory/{type}/archive-download

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getMemoryEvent([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /memory/event/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getMemoryEventRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Event log category


GET /memory/event/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getMemoryRaw( $type[,  $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ]) : stdClass
$type :

Type of log that can be retrieved

$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.


GET /memory/{type}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type (and subtype). Append '/raw' to retrieve in raw format.

public getMemoryTraffic([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ][,  $extra = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$extra : = null

Flag(s) for extra data to be included [reverse_lookup|country_id].

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /memory/traffic/{subtype}

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


Log data for the given log type in raw format.

public getMemoryTrafficRaw([ $start = null ][,  $rows = null ][,  $session_id = null ][,  $serial_no = null ][,  $is_ha_member = null ][,  $filter = null ],  $subtype) : stdClass
$start : = null

Row number for the first row to return.

$rows : = null

Number of rows to return.

$session_id : = null

Provide a session_id to continue getting data for that request.

$serial_no : = null

Retrieve log from the specified device.

$is_ha_member : = null

Is the specified device an HA member.

$filter : = null

Filtering multiple key/value pairs Operator | Description == | Case insensitive match with pattern. != | Does not match with pattern (case insensitive). =@ | Pattern found in object value (case insensitive). !@ | Pattern not found in object value (case insensitive). <= | Value must be less than or equal to pattern. < | Value must be less than pattern. .>= | Value must be greater than or equal to pattern. .> | Value must be greater than pattern. Logical OR using , | Separate filters using commas ',' Logical AND using & | Filter strings can be combined to create logical AND queries by including multiple filters in the request. Combining AND and OR | You can combine AND and OR filters together to create more complex filters.

$subtype :

Select the subtype for the Traffic log category


GET /memory/traffic/{subtype}/raw

Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object.


List all transactions.

public listTransactions([string $vdom = null ]) : bool
$vdom : string = null
Return values

Return the firewall's response as an object. As of version 6.4.5, this method sometimes returns unparsable JSON.


Start a transaction (Warning : Fortinet says all tables are not supported but do not indicate which one exactly).

public startTransaction([int $timeout = null ][, string|null $vdom = null ]) : bool
$timeout : int = null

Transaction's timeout.

$vdom : string|null = null

Specify the Virtual Domain from which results are returned or changes are applied to. If this parameter is not provided, the management VDOM will be used. If the admin does not have access to the VDOM, a permission error will be returned.

Return values

Return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


Method to request the firewall's API.

protected curlRequest(string $method, string $endpoint[, int|string $pathData = null ][, stdClass|array<string|int, mixed> $queryData = null ][, stdClass|array<string|int, mixed> $bodyData = null ][, int $timeout = null ]) : stdClass
$method : string

HTTP method (e.g. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE' ...).

$endpoint : string

API endpoint without the 2 first element ('rest' and API version '/api/vX'), e.g. /cmdb/router/static.

$pathData : int|string = null

Data to be passed in the request path (only one).

$queryData : stdClass|array<string|int, mixed> = null

Data to be passed in the request query as GET arguments.

$bodyData : stdClass|array<string|int, mixed> = null

Data to be passed in the request body as a JSON object.

$timeout : int = null
Return values

Return firewall's response as a stdClass.


Function used to build a query with params but following fortigate satndards.

private httpBuildCustomQuery(array<string|int, mixed> $data) : string
$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Array of data.

Return values

Return the data encoded in a string to be passed as an URL.


Login in the firewall.

private login() : bool
Return values

Return TRUE if successful or throw Exception if fails.


Logout from the firewall.

private logout() : Return
Return values

TRUE if successful, FALSE if it failed.

Search results