

LatencyStatsApi Class Doc Comment




Swagger Codegen team


Table of Contents

$client  : ClientInterface
$config  : Configuration
$headerSelector  : HeaderSelector
__construct()  : mixed
getConfig()  : Configuration
getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats()  : object
Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats
getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsync
getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats()  : object
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats
getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsync
getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats()  : object
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats
getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsync
getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats()  : object
Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats
getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsync
getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats()  : object
Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats
getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsync
getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo
createHttpClientOption()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Create http client option
getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats'
getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats'
getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats'
getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats'
getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats'




Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats

public getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : object

Aggregated latency info for a given AP on this network

$serial : string

serial (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsync

public getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsync(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for a given AP on this network

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for a given AP on this network

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo

public getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Aggregated latency info for a given AP on this network

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats

public getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats(string $network_id, string $client_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : object

Aggregated latency info for a given client on this network

$network_id : string

network_id (required)

$client_id : string

client_id (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsync

public getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsync(string $network_id, string $client_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for a given client on this network

$network_id : string


$client_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $network_id, string $client_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for a given client on this network

$network_id : string


$client_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo(string $network_id, string $client_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Aggregated latency info for a given client on this network

$network_id : string


$client_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats

public getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : object

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by clients

$network_id : string

network_id (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsync

public getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsync(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by clients

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by clients

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by clients

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats

public getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : object

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by node

$network_id : string

network_id (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsync

public getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsync(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by node

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by node

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by node

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats

public getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : object

Aggregated latency info for this network

$network_id : string

network_id (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsync

public getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsync(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for this network

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Aggregated latency info for this network

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Operation getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo

public getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsWithHttpInfo(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Aggregated latency info for this network

$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Create http client option

protected createHttpClientOption() : array<string|int, mixed>

on file opening failure

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of http client options


Create request for operation 'getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats'

protected getDeviceWirelessLatencyStatsRequest(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : Request
$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats'

protected getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStatsRequest(string $network_id, string $client_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : Request
$network_id : string


$client_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats'

protected getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStatsRequest(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : Request
$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats'

protected getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStatsRequest(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : Request
$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats'

protected getNetworkWirelessLatencyStatsRequest(string $network_id[, string $t0 = null ][, string $t1 = null ][, float $timespan = null ][, string $band = null ][, int $ssid = null ][, int $vlan = null ][, string $ap_tag = null ][, string $fields = null ]) : Request
$network_id : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. (optional)

$t1 : string = null

The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. (optional)

$band : string = null

Filter results by band (either '2.4' or '5'). Note that data prior to February 2020 will not have band information. (optional)

$ssid : int = null

Filter results by SSID (optional)

$vlan : int = null

Filter results by VLAN (optional)

$ap_tag : string = null

Filter results by AP Tag (optional)

$fields : string = null

Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of [&quot;rawDistribution&quot;, &quot;avg&quot;]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. (optional)

Return values

Search results