

StatusesApi Class Doc Comment




Swagger Codegen team


Table of Contents

$client  : ClientInterface
$config  : Configuration
$headerSelector  : HeaderSelector
__construct()  : mixed
getConfig()  : Configuration
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses()  : object
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsync
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets()  : object
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsync
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsyncWithHttpInfo
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsWithHttpInfo
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses()  : object
Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses
getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsync
getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses()  : object
Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses
getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsync
getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses()  : object
Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses
getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync
getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses()  : object
Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses
getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsync
getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationDevicesStatuses()  : object
Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatuses
getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsync
getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationDevicesStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatusesWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationUplinksStatuses()  : object
Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatuses
getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsync
getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
getOrganizationUplinksStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatusesWithHttpInfo
updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses()  : object
Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses
updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync()  : PromiseInterface
Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync
updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo()  : PromiseInterface
Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo
updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo
createHttpClientOption()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Create http client option
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets'
getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses'
getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses'
getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses'
getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses'
getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses'
getOrganizationDevicesStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationDevicesStatuses'
getOrganizationUplinksStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'getOrganizationUplinksStatuses'
updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesRequest()  : Request
Create request for operation 'updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses'




Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : object

Return the status for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string

serial (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsync

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsync(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Return the status for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. (optional)

Return values


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Return the status for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. (optional)

Return values


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : object

Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string

serial (required)

$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 1 day from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 1 day. The default is 1 day. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsync

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsync(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 1 day from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 1 day. The default is 1 day. (optional)

Return values


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 1 day from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 1 day. The default is 1 day. (optional)

Return values


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsWithHttpInfo

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsWithHttpInfo(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 1 day from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 1 day. The default is 1 day. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Return the status for all the ports of a switch

$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses

public getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : object

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX and Z series appliances in the organization

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsync

public getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX and Z series appliances in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX and Z series appliances in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX and Z series appliances in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses

public getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : object

Show VPN status for networks in an organization

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of Meraki network IDs to filter results to contain only specified networks. E.g.: networkIds[]=N_12345678&networkIds[]=L_3456 (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsync

public getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Show VPN status for networks in an organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of Meraki network IDs to filter results to contain only specified networks. E.g.: networkIds[]=N_12345678&networkIds[]=L_3456 (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Show VPN status for networks in an organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of Meraki network IDs to filter results to contain only specified networks. E.g.: networkIds[]=N_12345678&networkIds[]=L_3456 (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Show VPN status for networks in an organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of Meraki network IDs to filter results to contain only specified networks. E.g.: networkIds[]=N_12345678&networkIds[]=L_3456 (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses

public getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses(string $organization_id[, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : object

Fetch onboarding status of cameras

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync

public getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Fetch onboarding status of cameras

$organization_id : string


$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Fetch onboarding status of cameras

$organization_id : string


$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Fetch onboarding status of cameras

$organization_id : string


$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses

public getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : object

List the uplink status of every Meraki MG cellular gateway in the organization

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsync

public getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the uplink status of every Meraki MG cellular gateway in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the uplink status of every Meraki MG cellular gateway in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

List the uplink status of every Meraki MG cellular gateway in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatuses

public getOrganizationDevicesStatuses(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ]) : object

List the status of every Meraki device in the organization

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsync

public getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the status of every Meraki device in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationDevicesStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the status of every Meraki device in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationDevicesStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationDevicesStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

List the status of every Meraki device in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatuses

public getOrganizationUplinksStatuses(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : object

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX, MG and Z series devices in the organization

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsync

public getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX, MG and Z series devices in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationUplinksStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : PromiseInterface

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX, MG and Z series devices in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Operation getOrganizationUplinksStatusesWithHttpInfo

public getOrganizationUplinksStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

List the uplink status of every Meraki MX, MG and Z series devices in the organization

$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses

public updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses(string $organization_id[, UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses $update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses = null ]) : object

Notify that credential handoff to camera has completed

$organization_id : string

organization_id (required)

$update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses : UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses = null

update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses (optional)


on non-2xx response

Return values


Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync

public updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsync(string $organization_id[, UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses $update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Notify that credential handoff to camera has completed

$organization_id : string


$update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses : UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses = null


Return values


Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo

public updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesAsyncWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses $update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses = null ]) : PromiseInterface

Notify that credential handoff to camera has completed

$organization_id : string


$update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses : UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses = null


Return values


Operation updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo

public updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesWithHttpInfo(string $organization_id[, UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses $update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Notify that credential handoff to camera has completed

$organization_id : string


$update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses : UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses = null



on non-2xx response

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of object, HTTP status code, HTTP response headers (array of strings)


Create http client option

protected createHttpClientOption() : array<string|int, mixed>

on file opening failure

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

of http client options


Create request for operation 'getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets'

protected getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPacketsRequest(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : Request
$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 1 day from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 1 day. The default is 1 day. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses'

protected getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesRequest(string $serial[, string $t0 = null ][, float $timespan = null ]) : Request
$serial : string


$t0 : string = null

The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. (optional)

$timespan : float = null

The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses'

protected getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses'

protected getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 300. Default is 300. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of Meraki network IDs to filter results to contain only specified networks. E.g.: networkIds[]=N_12345678&networkIds[]=L_3456 (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses'

protected getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned cameras will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses'

protected getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getOrganizationDevicesStatuses'

protected getOrganizationDevicesStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'getOrganizationUplinksStatuses'

protected getOrganizationUplinksStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, int $per_page = null ][, string $starting_after = null ][, string $ending_before = null ][, array<string|int, string> $network_ids = null ][, array<string|int, string> $serials = null ][, array<string|int, string> $iccids = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$per_page : int = null

The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. (optional)

$starting_after : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$ending_before : string = null

A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. (optional)

$network_ids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of network IDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these networks. (optional)

$serials : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of serial numbers. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these serials. (optional)

$iccids : array<string|int, string> = null

A list of ICCIDs. The returned devices will be filtered to only include these ICCIDs. (optional)

Return values


Create request for operation 'updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses'

protected updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatusesRequest(string $organization_id[, UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses $update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses = null ]) : Request
$organization_id : string


$update_organization_camera_onboarding_statuses : UpdateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses = null


Return values

Search results