
NetworksnetworkIdwirelessssidsnumberhotspot20Venue implements ModelInterface, ArrayAccess

NetworksnetworkIdwirelessssidsnumberhotspot20Venue Class Doc Comment




Venue settings for this SSID


Swagger Codegen team


Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Interface abstracting model access.

Table of Contents

TYPE_AIRPLANE  = 'Airplane'
TYPE_ALCOHOL_AND_DRUG_REHABILITATION_CENTER  = 'Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center'
TYPE_AMPHITHEATER  = 'Amphitheater'
TYPE_AMUSEMENT_PARK  = 'Amusement Park'
TYPE_ARENA  = 'Arena'
TYPE_ATTORNEY_OFFICE  = 'Attorney Office'
TYPE_AUTOMOBILE_OR_TRUCK  = 'Automobile or Truck'
TYPE_AUTOMOTIVE_SERVICE_STATION  = 'Automotive Service Station'
TYPE_BANK  = 'Bank'
TYPE_BAR  = 'Bar'
TYPE_BOARDING_HOUSE  = 'Boarding House'
TYPE_BUS  = 'Bus'
TYPE_BUS_STOP  = 'Bus Stop'
TYPE_CITY_PARK  = 'City Park'
TYPE_COFFEE_SHOP  = 'Coffee Shop'
TYPE_CONVENTION_CENTER  = 'Convention Center'
TYPE_DOCTOR_OR_DENTIST_OFFICE  = 'Doctor or Dentist office'
TYPE_DORMITORY  = 'Dormitory'
TYPE_EMERGENCY_COORDINATION_CENTER  = 'Emergency Coordination Center'
TYPE_FACTORY  = 'Factory'
TYPE_FERRY  = 'Ferry'
TYPE_FIRE_STATION  = 'Fire Station'
TYPE_GAS_STATION  = 'Gas Station'
TYPE_GROCERY_MARKET  = 'Grocery Market'
TYPE_GROUP_HOME  = 'Group Home'
TYPE_HOSPITAL  = 'Hospital'
TYPE_HOTEL_OR_MOTEL  = 'Hotel or Motel'
TYPE_KIOSK  = 'Kiosk'
TYPE_LIBRARY  = 'Library'
TYPE_LONG_TERM_CARE_FACILITY  = 'Long-Term Care Facility'
TYPE_MOTOR_BIKE  = 'Motor Bike'
TYPE_MUNI_MESH_NETWORK  = 'Muni-mesh Network'
TYPE_MUSEUM  = 'Museum'
TYPE_PASSENGER_TERMINAL  = 'Passenger Terminal'
TYPE_PLACE_OF_WORSHIP  = 'Place of Worship'
TYPE_POLICE_STATION  = 'Police Station'
TYPE_POST_OFFICE  = 'Post Office'
TYPE_PRISON_OR_JAIL  = 'Prison or Jail'
TYPE_PRIVATE_RESIDENCE  = 'Private Residence'
TYPE_PROFESSIONAL_OFFICE  = 'Professional Office'
TYPE_RESEARCH_AND_DEVELOPMENT_FACILITY  = 'Research and Development Facility'
TYPE_REST_AREA  = 'Rest Area'
TYPE_RESTAURANT  = 'Restaurant'
TYPE_RETAIL_STORE  = 'Retail Store'
TYPE_SCHOOL_PRIMARY  = 'School, Primary'
TYPE_SCHOOL_SECONDARY  = 'School, Secondary'
TYPE_SHIP_OR_BOAT  = 'Ship or Boat'
TYPE_SHOPPING_MALL  = 'Shopping Mall'
TYPE_STADIUM  = 'Stadium'
TYPE_THEATER  = 'Theater'
TYPE_TRAFFIC_CONTROL  = 'Traffic Control'
TYPE_TRAIN  = 'Train'
TYPE_UNIVERSITY_OR_COLLEGE  = 'University or College'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED  = 'Unspecified'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_ASSEMBLY  = 'Unspecified Assembly'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_BUSINESS  = 'Unspecified Business'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_EDUCATIONAL  = 'Unspecified Educational'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_FACTORY_AND_INDUSTRIAL  = 'Unspecified Factory and Industrial'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_INSTITUTIONAL  = 'Unspecified Institutional'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_MERCANTILE  = 'Unspecified Mercantile'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_OUTDOOR  = 'Unspecified Outdoor'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_RESIDENTIAL  = 'Unspecified Residential'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_STORAGE  = 'Unspecified Storage'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_UTILITY_AND_MISCELLANEOUS  = 'Unspecified Utility and Miscellaneous'
TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_VEHICULAR  = 'Unspecified Vehicular'
TYPE_ZOO_OR_AQUARIUM  = 'Zoo or Aquarium'
$attributeMap  : array<string|int, string>
Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name
$container  : array<string|int, mixed>
Associative array for storing property values
$getters  : array<string|int, string>
Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
$setters  : array<string|int, string>
Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)
$swaggerFormats  : array<string|int, string>
Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization
$swaggerModelName  : string
The original name of the model.
$swaggerTypes  : array<string|int, string>
Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization
__construct()  : mixed
__toString()  : string
Gets the string presentation of the object
attributeMap()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name
getModelName()  : string
The original name of the model.
getName()  : string
Gets name
getters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
getType()  : string
Gets type
getTypeAllowableValues()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets allowable values of the enum
listInvalidProperties()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Show all the invalid properties with reasons.
offsetExists()  : bool
Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.
offsetGet()  : mixed
Gets offset.
offsetSet()  : void
Sets value based on offset.
offsetUnset()  : void
Unsets offset.
setName()  : $this
Sets name
setters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)
setType()  : $this
Sets type
swaggerFormats()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization
swaggerTypes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization
valid()  : bool
Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed






public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = null ]) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = null

Associated array of property values initializing the model

Return values


Sets type

public setType(string $type) : $this
$type : string

Venue type ('Unspecified', 'Unspecified Assembly', 'Arena', 'Stadium', 'Passenger Terminal', 'Amphitheater', 'Amusement Park', 'Place of Worship', 'Convention Center', 'Library', 'Museum', 'Restaurant', 'Theater', 'Bar', 'Coffee Shop', 'Zoo or Aquarium', 'Emergency Coordination Center', 'Unspecified Business', 'Doctor or Dentist office', 'Bank', 'Fire Station', 'Police Station', 'Post Office', 'Professional Office', 'Research and Development Facility', 'Attorney Office', 'Unspecified Educational', 'School, Primary', 'School, Secondary', 'University or College', 'Unspecified Factory and Industrial', 'Factory', 'Unspecified Institutional', 'Hospital', 'Long-Term Care Facility', 'Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center', 'Group Home', 'Prison or Jail', 'Unspecified Mercantile', 'Retail Store', 'Grocery Market', 'Automotive Service Station', 'Shopping Mall', 'Gas Station', 'Unspecified Residential', 'Private Residence', 'Hotel or Motel', 'Dormitory', 'Boarding House', 'Unspecified Storage', 'Unspecified Utility and Miscellaneous', 'Unspecified Vehicular', 'Automobile or Truck', 'Airplane', 'Bus', 'Ferry', 'Ship or Boat', 'Train', 'Motor Bike', 'Unspecified Outdoor', 'Muni-mesh Network', 'City Park', 'Rest Area', 'Traffic Control', 'Bus Stop', 'Kiosk')

Return values

Search results