
OrganizationsorganizationIdappliancevpnthirdPartyVPNPeersIpsecPolicies implements ModelInterface, ArrayAccess

OrganizationsorganizationIdappliancevpnthirdPartyVPNPeersIpsecPolicies Class Doc Comment




Custom IPSec policies for the VPN peer. If not included and a preset has not been chosen, the default preset for IPSec policies will be used.


Swagger Codegen team


Interfaces, Classes and Traits

Interface abstracting model access.

Table of Contents

IKE_PRF_ALGO__DEFAULT  = 'default'
IKE_PRF_ALGO_PRFMD5  = 'prfmd5'
IKE_PRF_ALGO_PRFSHA1  = 'prfsha1'
IKE_PRF_ALGO_PRFSHA256  = 'prfsha256'
$attributeMap  : array<string|int, string>
Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name
$container  : array<string|int, mixed>
Associative array for storing property values
$getters  : array<string|int, string>
Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
$setters  : array<string|int, string>
Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)
$swaggerFormats  : array<string|int, string>
Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization
$swaggerModelName  : string
The original name of the model.
$swaggerTypes  : array<string|int, string>
Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization
__construct()  : mixed
__toString()  : string
Gets the string presentation of the object
attributeMap()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name
getChildAuthAlgo()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets child_auth_algo
getChildCipherAlgo()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets child_cipher_algo
getChildLifetime()  : int
Gets child_lifetime
getChildPfsGroup()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets child_pfs_group
getIkeAuthAlgo()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets ike_auth_algo
getIkeCipherAlgo()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets ike_cipher_algo
getIkeDiffieHellmanGroup()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets ike_diffie_hellman_group
getIkeLifetime()  : int
Gets ike_lifetime
getIkePrfAlgo()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets ike_prf_algo
getIkePrfAlgoAllowableValues()  : array<string|int, string>
Gets allowable values of the enum
getModelName()  : string
The original name of the model.
getters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
listInvalidProperties()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Show all the invalid properties with reasons.
offsetExists()  : bool
Returns true if offset exists. False otherwise.
offsetGet()  : mixed
Gets offset.
offsetSet()  : void
Sets value based on offset.
offsetUnset()  : void
Unsets offset.
setChildAuthAlgo()  : $this
Sets child_auth_algo
setChildCipherAlgo()  : $this
Sets child_cipher_algo
setChildLifetime()  : $this
Sets child_lifetime
setChildPfsGroup()  : $this
Sets child_pfs_group
setIkeAuthAlgo()  : $this
Sets ike_auth_algo
setIkeCipherAlgo()  : $this
Sets ike_cipher_algo
setIkeDiffieHellmanGroup()  : $this
Sets ike_diffie_hellman_group
setIkeLifetime()  : $this
Sets ike_lifetime
setIkePrfAlgo()  : $this
Sets ike_prf_algo
setters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)
swaggerFormats()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization
swaggerTypes()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization
valid()  : bool
Validate all the properties in the model return true if all passed




Array of attributes where the key is the local name, and the value is the original name

protected static array<string|int, string> $attributeMap = ['ike_cipher_algo' => 'ikeCipherAlgo', 'ike_auth_algo' => 'ikeAuthAlgo', 'ike_prf_algo' => 'ikePrfAlgo', 'ike_diffie_hellman_group' => 'ikeDiffieHellmanGroup', 'ike_lifetime' => 'ikeLifetime', 'child_cipher_algo' => 'childCipherAlgo', 'child_auth_algo' => 'childAuthAlgo', 'child_pfs_group' => 'childPfsGroup', 'child_lifetime' => 'childLifetime']


Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)

protected static array<string|int, string> $getters = ['ike_cipher_algo' => 'getIkeCipherAlgo', 'ike_auth_algo' => 'getIkeAuthAlgo', 'ike_prf_algo' => 'getIkePrfAlgo', 'ike_diffie_hellman_group' => 'getIkeDiffieHellmanGroup', 'ike_lifetime' => 'getIkeLifetime', 'child_cipher_algo' => 'getChildCipherAlgo', 'child_auth_algo' => 'getChildAuthAlgo', 'child_pfs_group' => 'getChildPfsGroup', 'child_lifetime' => 'getChildLifetime']


Array of attributes to setter functions (for deserialization of responses)

protected static array<string|int, string> $setters = ['ike_cipher_algo' => 'setIkeCipherAlgo', 'ike_auth_algo' => 'setIkeAuthAlgo', 'ike_prf_algo' => 'setIkePrfAlgo', 'ike_diffie_hellman_group' => 'setIkeDiffieHellmanGroup', 'ike_lifetime' => 'setIkeLifetime', 'child_cipher_algo' => 'setChildCipherAlgo', 'child_auth_algo' => 'setChildAuthAlgo', 'child_pfs_group' => 'setChildPfsGroup', 'child_lifetime' => 'setChildLifetime']


Array of property to format mappings. Used for (de)serialization

protected static array<string|int, string> $swaggerFormats = ['ike_cipher_algo' => null, 'ike_auth_algo' => null, 'ike_prf_algo' => null, 'ike_diffie_hellman_group' => null, 'ike_lifetime' => null, 'child_cipher_algo' => null, 'child_auth_algo' => null, 'child_pfs_group' => null, 'child_lifetime' => null]


Array of property to type mappings. Used for (de)serialization

protected static array<string|int, string> $swaggerTypes = ['ike_cipher_algo' => 'string[]', 'ike_auth_algo' => 'string[]', 'ike_prf_algo' => 'string[]', 'ike_diffie_hellman_group' => 'string[]', 'ike_lifetime' => 'int', 'child_cipher_algo' => 'string[]', 'child_auth_algo' => 'string[]', 'child_pfs_group' => 'string[]', 'child_lifetime' => 'int']



Sets child_auth_algo

public setChildAuthAlgo(array<string|int, string> $child_auth_algo) : $this
$child_auth_algo : array<string|int, string>

This is the authentication algorithms to be used in Phase 2. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'sha256', 'sha1', 'md5'

Return values


Sets child_cipher_algo

public setChildCipherAlgo(array<string|int, string> $child_cipher_algo) : $this
$child_cipher_algo : array<string|int, string>

This is the cipher algorithms to be used in Phase 2. The value should be an array with one or more of the following algorithms: 'aes256', 'aes192', 'aes128', 'tripledes', 'des', 'null'

Return values


Sets child_pfs_group

public setChildPfsGroup(array<string|int, string> $child_pfs_group) : $this
$child_pfs_group : array<string|int, string>

This is the Diffie-Hellman group to be used for Perfect Forward Secrecy in Phase 2. The value should be an array with one of the following values: 'disabled','group14', 'group5', 'group2', 'group1'

Return values


Sets ike_auth_algo

public setIkeAuthAlgo(array<string|int, string> $ike_auth_algo) : $this
$ike_auth_algo : array<string|int, string>

This is the authentication algorithm to be used in Phase 1. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'sha256', 'sha1', 'md5'

Return values


Sets ike_cipher_algo

public setIkeCipherAlgo(array<string|int, string> $ike_cipher_algo) : $this
$ike_cipher_algo : array<string|int, string>

This is the cipher algorithm to be used in Phase 1. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'aes256', 'aes192', 'aes128', 'tripledes', 'des'

Return values


Sets ike_diffie_hellman_group

public setIkeDiffieHellmanGroup(array<string|int, string> $ike_diffie_hellman_group) : $this
$ike_diffie_hellman_group : array<string|int, string>

This is the Diffie-Hellman group to be used in Phase 1. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'group14', 'group5', 'group2', 'group1'

Return values


Sets ike_prf_algo

public setIkePrfAlgo(array<string|int, string> $ike_prf_algo) : $this
$ike_prf_algo : array<string|int, string>

[optional] This is the pseudo-random function to be used in IKE_SA. The value should be an array with one of the following algorithms: 'prfsha256', 'prfsha1', 'prfmd5', 'default'. The 'default' option can be used to default to the Authentication algorithm.

Return values

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